
Webinar Week WWII between History and Memory

The Center for Independent Social Research CISR e.V. Berlin— in partnership with the European College of Liberal Arts in Belarus ECLAB, the Center for Support of International Initiatives (Poznan), and Memorial Deutschland e.V. — has organized the project "Beyond New Wave of Mythologization of WWII". We invite undergraduate and graduate students of various disciplines (history, sociology, political science, etc.), and all those interested in memory politics of the Second World War, to a series of online lectures and workshops. Webinar participants will attend lectures and participate in workshops and discussions with leading researchers and practitioners from Germany, Poland, Belarus, Russia and Ukraine, tour virtual museums from different countries and learn about how they were created, and practice their document management skills.

Languages are English and Russian

Central European Time UTC/GMT + 01


14.00-14.50 UTC+01 / Berlin Time

Introduction Session (getting to know each other) English/Russian

(registration for the Project Participants only)

14.50 – 15.00 UTC+01


15.00 – 16.20 UTC+01 Please register for the WEBINAR

Casus belli: Memory of War and Memory Wars (Ukraine- Poland-Russia)

in English

(open lecture/discussion)

Prof. Dr. Georgiy Kasianov

National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of History of Ukraine

Moderator Sergey Rumyantsev

16.20-16.40 UTC+01


16.40 - 18.00 UTC+01 Please register for the WEBINAR

Reflections on the planned museum of the Second World War and Nazi occupation policy as a site of learning, commemoration and memory in Germany

in English

(open lecture/discussion)

Prof. Dr. Norbert Frei

Modern and Contemporary History; Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

Moderator Marit Cremer


14.00 – 15.00 UTC+01 / Berlin Time Please register for the WEBINAR

"Post-Soviet War Commemoration"

in English

Dr. Mischa Gabowitsch, Historian and Sociologist, Research Fellow (Einstein Forum in Potsdam)

Open discussion with a preview of the video lecture of Mischa Gabowitsch "Soviet and Post-Soviet War Commemoration Reconsidered"


15.00-15.30 UTC+01


15.30 – 16.30 UTC+01

Discussion with Project Participants

(registration for the Project Participants only)

simultaneous interpretation English - Russian


13.00 – 15.00 UTC+01 / Berlin Time

"The battle for the Brest fortress in 1941 and its aftermath"

in Russian

Workshop with Historian Dr. Christian Ganzer

The workshop is dedicated to one aspect of the "heroic defense of the Brest fortress" in June 1941. Workshop Participants will learn how to work with documents, focusing on critical analysis of primary sources.

(Registration via google form or info@cisr-berlin.org)

15.00 – 16.00 UTC+01


16.00-17.00 UTC+01 Please register for the WEBINAR

“Brest stories guide: New forms of Holocaust Remembrance in Belarus“

In Russian

(open lecture/discussion)

With Oxana Gaiko, Director, actress, theatre pedagogue, founder of the Free Theatre in 2001 (renamed Wings of Khalop in 2011), director of KH Space in Brest

Video Lecture on the topic "Holocaust in Belarus: History and Memory" in Russian


New forms of Holocaust remembrance are emerging at the intersection of digital technology, history and theatre. Brest stories guide is an audio play and mobile app that tells the story of the Holocaust in Brest, Belarus.

Moderator Alexei Bratochkin (ECLAB, Minsk)


14.00- 15.20 UTC+01 / Berlin Time Please register for the WEBINAR

“Immortal Regiment: Mnemonic Actors in the Struggle for Social Movement"

in English

(open lecture/discussion)

Prof.Dr. Ivan Kurilla, the European University St.Petersburg

Department of Political Science and Sociology

Moderator Sergey Rumyantsev

15.20- 15.40 UTC+01


15.40- 17.15 UTC+01

Transnational Approaches to Memory: the Second World War

between Belarusian, Polish, and Russian Culture

In English

(Registration https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81999175198?pwd=T09FbkthbmdwVW9TeHEvcUc4VjVCdz09)

Prof.Dr. Simon Lewis is Associate Professor in East and Central European Cultural History at the University of Bremen

This workshop encourages participants to consider memories of the Second

WorldWar in (Central and Eastern) Europe in fundamentally cosmopolitan terms.

Although debates and controversies have often been paradigmatically framed as

national ones – such as the memory of Katyn or Jedwabne in Poland,

or the centrality of partisan resistance to national identity in Belarus –

the Second World War itself was of course a transnational experience,

and exchanges of memory have also often been quintessentially

cosmopolitan rather than national.

The workshop will offer a brief overview of transnational (or “travelling”) memory theory, and analyses of selected case studies of regionally interdependent memory.


14.00-15.30 UTC+01 / Berlin Time Please register for the WEBINAR

How to talk about Katyn to be listened to?

In Russian

(open lecture/discussion)

Dr Maciej Wyrwa, The Center for Polish-Russian Dialogue and Understanding, Warsaw

Through innovations and principles of the digital humanities, the history of Katyn becomes a site of non-formal education. Telling the story of the Katyn massacre raises various problems of language amid the current Polish political debates. To modernize language toward the younger generation, or to develop a more neutral language that aligns with principles of non-formal education, is a challenge for creators of new forms of digital communication.

Moderator Magdalena Lachowicz

15.30- 15.40 UTC+01


15.40 -17.10 UTC+01 Please register for the WEBINAR

Narrative Museums and Memory through the example of Polish Museums.

In Russian

(open lecture/discussion)

Dr Dmitriy Panto, Chief Researcher at the World War II Museum in Gdańsk.

From the projects and perspective of World War II Museums in Poland, a discussion between history and the shaping of public memory. Dr Dmitriy Panto will explore the questions: what is a narrative museum, and how to implement modern theory into the practical dimension of exhibitions about the traumas of war.

Moderator Oxana Karpenko

17.10- 17.20 UTC+01


17.20 – 18.00 UTC+01 Please register for the WEBINAR

"The Great Patriotic War Museum in Minsk: Exposition and ideology"

in Russian

Discussion with Dr. Alexei Lastovskiy, Institute «Палітычная сфера» (Belarus).

(open lecture/discussion)

Video Lecture with Alexey Lastovsky "Museum of the Great Patriotic War in Minsk: Exposition and Ideology"



Opened in 2014, with the participation of Alexander Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin, the "Museum of the Great Patriotic War" in Minsk, Belarus, is an example of a memory policy that focuses on attempts to combine national historical narrative with the Soviet legacy, demonstrating state control over the politically sensitive subject of World War II history.

Moderator Alexei Bratochkin (ECLAB, Minsk)

for additional questions please contact

