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February 28, 2023


evening of kitchen sociology

TRUST-MITTERS is a discussion on various aspects of trust among Russians today. They find themselves in a vulnerable and dubious position. Their national identity has been compromised and discredited by the actions of the Putin regime, regardless of people's political positions. They are not welcome in the societies where they thought they had support. They compatriots do not share the same values and visions and label them as traitors. They can become political prisoners in their own country because of the neighbor or colleague's denunciation.

This complex situation generates a lot of questions about people's dis/trust to each other. What is the trust? How do we build our trust? Do we need and why do we need trust and how do we restore it in a situation of repression and a thriving culture of surveillance? How do different contexts influence the process of building the trust and what does this mean for civil society and our future?

The format of Kitchen Sociology evenings allows us to talk about complex and sensitive topics in a comfortable atmosphere over a glass of wine, as sincerely as we do in the kitchen with close friends. This is not a lecture or seminar, but a lively discussion stimulated by guest speakers.

Some of the speakers have been living abroad for many years, some have left their country because of opposition to the regime, some still stay in their native country under an authoritarian regime and find their own ways of behaving in a new situation.


Oleg Pachenkov – social scientist, CISR/ Humboldt University, Berlin

Polina Aronson – journalist, freelance researcher, Berlin

And participants from Russia.

Moderator: Elena Stein, director, CISR e.V. Berlin

The discussion will take place in Russian language. Entrance is free, the registration is mandatory.

Registration link. First 20 registered people will be invited.

This event will take place within 19th edition of Barents Spektakel in Kirkenes, Norway in partnership with CISR e.V. Berlin. Barents Spektakel is an international contemporary art festival. This year, for the first time, Berlin will be a "satellite" to the festival, to offer its interpretations of the main theme of this year's festival, "TRUST". Curator of the festival in Berlin: Lilia Voronkova, social anthropologist and curator of cultural projects (CISR e.V. Berlin).

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