2022 / 23
Get Visible
Support for urban and media initiatives (in exile) in Georgia and Moldova
Проект изначально был направлен на укрепление горизонтальных гражданских структур в России: городских инициатив, НПО, небольших медиа и других организаций, а также на содействие их участию в процессах позитивных городских изменений. Предполагалось также поддерживать расширение (сверх)региональных сетей участников и экспертов, а также обмен между ними по общим проблемам и стратегическим решениям.
В связи с эскалацией войны 24 февраля 2022 года в Украине, начатой российским политическим режимом, проект был переработан. Эскалация войны привела, среди прочего, к разрушению общественной жизни в России, вытеснению независимых медиа, преследованию оппозиционеров, журналистов и других противников войны. Изначально запланированные в России мероприятия проекта были перенесены в Грузию из-за выезда большинства русскоязычных активистов в эту страну. Обновлённый проект должен был ответить на новые вызовы и оказать поддержку активистам, подвергающимся преследованиям, а также профессионалам и экспертам в изгнании.
Проект «Get visible» реализуется на пересечении новых медиа, урбанистики и социологии и включает следующие форматы:
О проекте
Continuing Education Program “School of Urban Pioneers”/SUP
The School of Urban Pioneers (SUP) is a nine-month non-formal continuing education program aimed at consolidating, developing, and qualifying urban communities and activists (in exile) in Georgia and Moldova. It includes local educational events, webinars, meetings with experts, peer workshops, and an educational trip for multipliers to Berlin. The program runs from November 2022 to May 2023.
Workshop “Media Activism”
This format is focused on networking and promoting the professional skills and resources of war opponents and media creators in exile. It includes support in building professional networks between major and minor regional media organizations, media activists, journalists, and bloggers; continuing education with webinars and multi-day offline workshops; strategic development of a media agenda to influence the attitudes of people living in Russia, particularly media users who support the war in Ukraine.
Science Labs
In the multi-day “Science Labs on the Road” in Georgia and Moldova, project experts focus on analyzing and discussing the cities and their societies, the current role of professional urban communities, bottom-up initiatives, and urban activists, their new professional context (in exile), and their opportunities for taking action to shape cities “from below.” The goal of the Science Labs is also to develop a transnational network of experts and active urban residents and to facilitate their direct exchange. In this section, project experts will also create reflective and practical contributions related to the project theme.
Public Formats
These include a series of large and small public events, such as the 2022 conference “WARning the City” with 100 experts and participants, “Kitchen Sociology Evenings,” and others that address current issues and challenges facing cities, initiatives, and urban residents in times of war: New war-related migration: Between solidarity and efficiency, Science and education in exile, Manifestations of “authoritarian urbanism” and the position of professional communities, “Relatively European Cities”: Russian emigrants in Yerevan, Tbilisi, Batumi, and Baku, Translocal infrastructures of feminist anti-war resistance, and others.
Project team
The program was implemented by the Center for Independent Social Research in Berlin and its partners, with the support of the German Federal Foreign Office.